Hi, I'm Tracy Black 👋🏻

I'm a self-taught software engineer that loves solving problems and helping others.

Recent Work


Prioritization app based on impact and level of effort for each task, find the demo in the repo.


Self-hosted bookmark link manager.

Love Site

This website was built to showcase my love for my girlfriend.


This is a CLI tool used to convert an image to a PDF.


Assisted in building this SaaS app that helps companies track developer efficiency using DORA metrics. (Previous job)

Technologies I Work With

Name Description Comfort Level
Python My favorite language. I use Python anywhere applicable. 10
React.JS Front end framework of choice. Extra props to Next.JS. 8
TS Takes a little longer than JS to implement best practice. 7
Docker Docker makes everything easier. I really enjoy Docker. 9
REST I enjoy working with RESTful APIs. 9
GraphQL Have some experience writing GQL mutations for SaaS. Not much experience using GQL as a user. 6